Friday, July 30, 2010
英國專家提出警告,長期穿著人字拖鞋可能會危害足部健康,提高脛骨痛及關節疼痛等風險,而扭傷足踝的情況也時有發生。專家表示,人字拖迫使人們改變走路方式,故此他們走路時會把壓力放在腳外側而非腳踭,引致腳部長期受損。 同時,穿人字拖亦會因絆倒造成嚴重受傷。扭傷足踝的情況已時有發生,有部分人士甚至因人字拖被不平坦的地面絆倒,導致足踝骨折,甚至在倒地時手臂或手腕折斷。 很多人因為一直蜷曲腳趾以抓緊帶子,腳趾會出現疼痛,而且,還有腳趾骨折或脫骹的危險。 英國足部治療師及足科醫生協會發言人奧尼爾(Mike O'Neil)警告,穿著人字拖的人被迫要適應走路方法,會對他們的腳部造成傷害。
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
原来月经不洗头 不是冷不冷的问题
今年80岁了, 庄淑旗博士的抗癌养生法--女生月经来时为何不能洗头 ?
很早以前就常听到老一辈的人这样规劝我们这些不怕死的年 青人,因为问他们:
为什么不行?没人回答得出来,只说:那是以前人经验累积 的告戒,不听的话,
以后老了就会知道!所以就这样,一直觉得那可能是古早环 境不好,
没有像我们现在有吹风机,洗好马上吹干,应该就没事了… 想不到……
不论是小女孩还是大女人,都应该要注意,不要洗头就对了 。男生收到也看一看,
跟你有关的女人都应该让他知道这个正确观念才是! 台湾的女医学博士庄淑旗根据研究医学,先后在日本庆应大 学修得药理博士、医学博士,她对日本癌症患者三万人的病 发前的生活调查发现,绝大多数的癌症患者均有极端的偏食 习惯,并在调查中有惊人的发现,大多数的乳癌及子宫癌患 者,凡在月经来潮时,洗头发、提重东西、或产后不注意调 养或吃冰冷食物,致子宫收缩不完全,而使体内贺尔蒙分泌 不平衡,长久累积而致癌。由于这项发现,庄博士乃潜心研 究女性月经期间生理调理的方法,在日本发表改善月经期间 饮食法,与改变生活方式疗法,结果使许多日本妇女因乳癌 、子宫癌症及得患其它癌症开刀者,因饮食、生活的改善, 而使癌症不再发。现在这个疗法已在日本被广为宣传,每年 有数万人因而得救,这个方法就是,在月经期不能洗头,她 说古老的时侯,妇女们都知道月经期间不能洗头,将之传给 她的女儿媳妇,但不知其原因,有许多现代人总以为科学发 达,古老的说法无凭据,不信,结果竟得乳癌,庄博士说: 以往子宫大量出血的妇女,在妇科未发达以前,她们都不愿 找医师看病,而有一个自疗方法,即是将头发用水打湿,则 子宫收缩,血立刻止掉。
因为这个原理,她发现,月经来潮时,不 能洗发,不能吃冰冷食物,以免让排出的污血未排净,而残 留在子宫之内,日积月累,贺尔蒙分泌失调,而有乳癌、子 宫癌的发生,除了不洗发,不吃冰冷食物外,如月经来潮前 会有头晕、胀奶、便泌者,这是癌症的前兆,预防方法可依 体型用黑糖、莲藕、萝葡、薏仁等,熬汤饮之,则可防止癌 细胞的发展,达到最佳的预防方法 。
喝奶茶,不吃刚烤的面包,远离充电电源,白天多喝水晚上 少喝,一天不喝多于两杯咖啡,少吃油多的食物,最佳睡眠 时间为晚10点到早6点,晚5点后少吃大餐,一天喝酒不 能超过1杯,不用冷水服胶囊,睡前半小时服药忌立即躺下 ,睡眠不足8小时人会变笨,有午觉习惯的人不易变老,手 机剩一格点时不要打电话,因为一格电打电话时的辐射是平 常的1000倍,还要记得要用左耳接电话,右耳接电话会 直接伤到大脑。
现在很多女性朋友们,都有一个最爱得的毛病,就是乳腺癌 。(千万不要摘。一摘就麻烦了,摘一个,过不了几年另一 个必摘),和子宫肌瘤,卵巢囊肿三位一体的妇科病。我本 人不是医生,但是知道这病的病理,他们都来至我们的例假 。第5 条,非常好。要养成记录生理周期的习惯。
正常的例假情况是每月28天,正负不能超过一天,每次时 间应该4到5天。忽前忽后都不行
量多了也不行,量少了也不行 。如果有痛经的女性朋友,不要不去管他,长期不管他,以 后可能得以上三种的机率很大。经痛到医院去医生说是很正 常的,确实这个不叫病。叫症状。特别是要准备在怀孕的妈 妈们,一定要调好。为什么有的宝宝生出来,有小孩多动症 ,隔三岔五的感冒,绝对偏食?就是妈妈的例假出问题了。
在食谱里添加杂粮和蔬菜,一定要多吃五谷杂粮。五谷:大 豆,大米,玉米,小麦,谷黍 大家有没有发现电视上的不孕症的广告也越来越多了?其实 就是因为我们长期吃的食物中激素,农药,化肥多过,肝脏 的排泄力度不够,排不出来以后,很多的脏东西要通过卵巢 来走,走不出来就会逐渐在堵塞,输卵管一堵,不孕症就太 正常了。夏天大家一定要禁嘴,不要吃冰冷的食物。寒气就 到胃里,就像庄博士说的,就形成寒淤,让排出的污血未排 净,而残留在子宫之内,日积月累。(子宫肌瘤就是积累的 残留)
> > 1. 在干净的床上裸睡
> > 2. 生理期不吃巧克力,因为会加重痛经
> > 3. 养成记录生理周期的习惯
> > 4. 通过运动而非调整型内衣来塑造曲线
> > 5. 不翘二郎腿,以免压迫神经
> > 6. 贴身衣物不干洗
> > 7. 拉风的丁字裤不适宜日常穿着
> > 8. 去年的衣服要进行曝晒后才可以穿
> > 9. 如非必要,不使用卫生护垫
> > 10. 定期检查化妆品的保质期
> > 11. 洗浴后一小时再化妆
> > 12. 即使爱美,也不要在耳朵上部的外缘软骨部位穿耳洞
> > 13. 了解自己的家庭病史,特别是母亲和外婆的病史
1,每天泡一杯红茶生姜水喝,几块新鲜生姜进去,还可以 加蜂蜜进去,益母草蜂蜜是最好的
2.益母草膏(益母草膏算是痛经中的圣草了),维威制药 厂出产的,百花牌的貌似不错,几块钱一瓶,提前2天吃, 一次一勺,一天3次,再就是提前一个星期吃逍遥丸。
今年80岁了, 庄淑旗博士的抗癌养生法--女生月经来时为何不能洗头 ?
跟你有关的女人都应该让他知道这个正确观念才是! 台湾的女医学博士庄淑旗根据研究医学,先后在日本庆应大
因为这个原理,她发现,月经来潮时,不 能洗发,不能吃冰冷食物,以免让排出的污血未排净,而残
量多了也不行,量少了也不行 。如果有痛经的女性朋友,不要不去管他,长期不管他,以
> > 1. 在干净的床上裸睡
> > 2. 生理期不吃巧克力,因为会加重痛经
> > 3. 养成记录生理周期的习惯
> > 4. 通过运动而非调整型内衣来塑造曲线
> > 5. 不翘二郎腿,以免压迫神经
> > 6. 贴身衣物不干洗
> > 7. 拉风的丁字裤不适宜日常穿着
> > 8. 去年的衣服要进行曝晒后才可以穿
> > 9. 如非必要,不使用卫生护垫
> > 10. 定期检查化妆品的保质期
> > 11. 洗浴后一小时再化妆
> > 12. 即使爱美,也不要在耳朵上部的外缘软骨部位穿耳洞
> > 13. 了解自己的家庭病史,特别是母亲和外婆的病史
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Top ten junk food
1. deep-fried food:
i) culprit of the cardiovascular disease (e.g., fried dough sticks)
ii) contains carcinogen
iii) destructs vitamins, alters the property of protein
2. Preserved food
i) could cause high blood pressure, kidney overload, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma
ii) affects mucosal system (bad for gastrointestinal)
iii) easy to get ulcers and inflammation
3, Processed meat (dried meat, dried meat floss, sausage, etc.)
i) contains nitrite (as preservative and coloring agent). Nitrite is one of the three carcinogens:
ii) contains high amount of preservatives (heavier burden of the liver)
4, biscuits (excluding low-temperature baking and whole wheat crackers)
i) too much food flavor and coloring is a burden on the liver
ii) seriously destroys vitamins
iii) low nutrition resulted from excessive heat
5, cola soft drinks
i) contain phosphoric acid and carbonic acid which can take away lots of calcium from our body
ii) contain high sugar content, can spoil appertide
6, convenience food (mainly refers to instant noodles and puffed food)
i) high salt, high preservatives, high flavors (can damage liver)
ii) only calories, no nutrition
7, canned food (including meat, fish and fruits)
i) destructs vitamins, alters the property of protein
ii) low nutrition resulted from excessive heat
8, preserved dried products (preserved plums)
i) contains nitrite (as preservative and coloring agent). Nitrite is one of the three carcinogens
ii) 2, high salt, high preservatives, high flavors (damage liver)
9, frozen desserts (ice cream, popsicles, etc.)
i) easily lead to obesity
ii) contain high sugar content, can spoil appertide
10, grilled food
i) contains "triphenyl tetrapropanate" (the first of three major cancer-causing substances)
ii) one grilled chicken's toxicity = toxicity of smoking 60 cigarettes
iii) alters protein into a charcoaled property (increases burden on kidney and liver)
i) culprit of the cardiovascular disease (e.g., fried dough sticks)
ii) contains carcinogen
iii) destructs vitamins, alters the property of protein
2. Preserved food
i) could cause high blood pressure, kidney overload, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma
ii) affects mucosal system (bad for gastrointestinal)
iii) easy to get ulcers and inflammation
3, Processed meat (dried meat, dried meat floss, sausage, etc.)
i) contains nitrite (as preservative and coloring agent). Nitrite is one of the three carcinogens:
ii) contains high amount of preservatives (heavier burden of the liver)
4, biscuits (excluding low-temperature baking and whole wheat crackers)
i) too much food flavor and coloring is a burden on the liver
ii) seriously destroys vitamins
iii) low nutrition resulted from excessive heat
5, cola soft drinks
i) contain phosphoric acid and carbonic acid which can take away lots of calcium from our body
ii) contain high sugar content, can spoil appertide
6, convenience food (mainly refers to instant noodles and puffed food)
i) high salt, high preservatives, high flavors (can damage liver)
ii) only calories, no nutrition
7, canned food (including meat, fish and fruits)
i) destructs vitamins, alters the property of protein
ii) low nutrition resulted from excessive heat
8, preserved dried products (preserved plums)
i) contains nitrite (as preservative and coloring agent). Nitrite is one of the three carcinogens
ii) 2, high salt, high preservatives, high flavors (damage liver)
9, frozen desserts (ice cream, popsicles, etc.)
i) easily lead to obesity
ii) contain high sugar content, can spoil appertide
10, grilled food
i) contains "triphenyl tetrapropanate" (the first of three major cancer-causing substances)
ii) one grilled chicken's toxicity = toxicity of smoking 60 cigarettes
iii) alters protein into a charcoaled property (increases burden on kidney and liver)
Drink lemonade for health
Wash the lemons, make juice, then freeze into ice cubes. Seale them with a zipper bag and store them in the refrigerator for daily use. Making lemonade with the lemon juice ice-cubes is easy. Lemon is good for your heart and bones as well as blood circulation. Lacking vitamin C for a long period is detrimental to your health. Experts suggest lemon drinks can be a remedy.
According to a professor of the Japanese Ministry of Ibaraki Christian University, the death rate of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is far higher than cancer. Many office workers who often have high calorie and high fat food, high pressure, and inadequate movement are at high risk of chronic cardiovascular diseases. According to his research, prevention of such diseases in the first step is to start with improved diet. He suggested that lemon being antioxidant with inhibition of free radicals is a good choice. Besides, people who have osteoporosis due to calcium deficiency can also drink lemon juice for improvement.
Lemon can enhance blood circulation and attract calcium. Moreover, the price of lemon is not that expensive. So, instead of buying expensive health medicine, it is wise to take advantage on lemon for health maintenance.
[Benefits of lemon juice]
Lemon is highly alkaline: the treatment was considered good medicine for most diseases, such as cough, phlegm, spleen deficiency. It's rich in vitamin C, and good for blood circulation. It can prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, reduce fatigue, increase immunity, slow aging and maintain skin elasticity, as well as overcome diabetes, hypertension, anemia, colds, osteoporosis and so on.
Boost memory: According to the latest study intake of vitamin C and vitamin E helps to strengthen memory and improve response. Degradation of blood circulation can have adverse impact on the brain, preventing the brain from function properly. Experts suggest that the efficacy of lemon with water-soluble antioxidant and vitamin C can help in maintaining the memory without any side effects. Lemon is a readily available health product in our daily life. Improvement of Osteoporosis: lemon citrate can enhance the body's absorption of calcium. Hence, increases the bone mineral density and prevents osteoporosis.
According to a professor of the Japanese Ministry of Ibaraki Christian University, the death rate of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is far higher than cancer. Many office workers who often have high calorie and high fat food, high pressure, and inadequate movement are at high risk of chronic cardiovascular diseases. According to his research, prevention of such diseases in the first step is to start with improved diet. He suggested that lemon being antioxidant with inhibition of free radicals is a good choice. Besides, people who have osteoporosis due to calcium deficiency can also drink lemon juice for improvement.
Lemon can enhance blood circulation and attract calcium. Moreover, the price of lemon is not that expensive. So, instead of buying expensive health medicine, it is wise to take advantage on lemon for health maintenance.
[Benefits of lemon juice]
Lemon is highly alkaline: the treatment was considered good medicine for most diseases, such as cough, phlegm, spleen deficiency. It's rich in vitamin C, and good for blood circulation. It can prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, reduce fatigue, increase immunity, slow aging and maintain skin elasticity, as well as overcome diabetes, hypertension, anemia, colds, osteoporosis and so on.
Boost memory: According to the latest study intake of vitamin C and vitamin E helps to strengthen memory and improve response. Degradation of blood circulation can have adverse impact on the brain, preventing the brain from function properly. Experts suggest that the efficacy of lemon with water-soluble antioxidant and vitamin C can help in maintaining the memory without any side effects. Lemon is a readily available health product in our daily life. Improvement of Osteoporosis: lemon citrate can enhance the body's absorption of calcium. Hence, increases the bone mineral density and prevents osteoporosis.
Subject : Useful website for good health
在日常生活中,出人意表的事情常八九。年紀大了﹐身體毛病接踵 而來。增加醫學常識﹐對己對人都有幫助。在緊急情況下﹐這些常識說不定幫你救了您或你的家人、親戚、朋友、同事的一命。以下彙集有識人仕所提供的資料﹐以助參考。
1. 洋蔥浸紅酒
(Red wine & onion)
2. 自己CPR的方法
(The beat goes on)
3. 心臟病發、中風前兆
(Heart attack, stroke warning signs)
4. 中風辨認常識
(Stroke identification)
5. 聖心減肥良方
(S.H.M. Diet program)
6. 十大營養食品
(Top 10 Nutritious Food)
7. 治口臭食療方
(Bad Breath Remedy)
8. 豬腳薑醋製法
(Pig's Feet With Ginger & Vinegar)
9. 清心養血之良食
(Healthy Food for Heart & Blood)
10. 珩記祖傳祕方鹹檸檬
(Salted Lemon Tea)
11. 鼻敏感效湯
(Hay fever remedial soup)
12. 果菜療能一覽表
(What's Good For You)
13. 療能食物對照表
(Cross-reference List)
14. 肉桂之天然食療
(Cinnamon's Health Benefits)
15. 小紅苺防尿道膀胱炎
(Cranberry's Health Benefits)
16. 欥風筒的妙用
(The Amazing Hair Dryer)
17. 蜂蜜加肉桂粉的神奇
(Honey plus Cinnamon)
18. 沒事多喝檸檬水
(Ice Lemonade)
19. 人過中年不悲哀
(Live after Middle Age)
20. 醫生之食療介紹
(Food values from doctors)
21. 心肌梗塞急救法
(Heart attack emergency treatment)
22. 枸杞消除疲勞
(Chinese wolfberries for relaxation)
23. 紅棗保肝補氣
(Jujubes-Chinese red dates)
24. 遠離糖尿病不難
(Diabetes Mellitus)
25. 健康身心之最佳時間
(Right Timing)
26. 世衛評選的最佳食品
(The Healthy Food)
27. 十大垃圾食物
(The Junk Food)
28. 蒜頭蒸飯, 老薑蜜糖
(Garlic, ginger, honey on rice)
29. 沒有阿 茲海默的世界
(Alzheimer Prevention)
30. 練太極可抗疫
(Tai Chi stops shingles)
31. 飯後熱飲
(Drink warm after meals)
32. 食物防春季過敏
(Ready for the allergy season)
33. 香蕉的神奇 (a) 熟香蕉抗癌
(The Amazing Bananas)
34. 癌症新知
(Cancer update - by a MD hospital)
35. 十大助排毒之食品
(Toxin Excretion Assistants)
36. 腸道照顧好﹐ 百病不來找
(Intestines Health)
37. 腸道簡易運動
(The Exercise for Intestines)
38. 延年益壽十則
(The Recipes for Living Longer)
39. 排汗和排尿的差別
(Sweat, no sweat)
40. 補健清湯 (排毒,通血)
(Soup to lower cholesterol)
41. 謄固醇的常識(Cholesterol)
a) American Heart Association
b) Harvard School of Public Health
c) 降 謄固醇療方二例
42. 林燕妮治老花妙方
(The Eyesight Enhancing Juice)
43. 治失眠良方
(How To Sleep Fast)
44. 五大防癌水果
(Fruits Prevent/Fight Cancers)45. 慎食非季節性水果
(Beware of off season fruits)
46. 清洗蔬果勿用鹽
(Washing Fruits With Salt)
47. 少林十巧手 [手部運動]
(Hand Exercise for Health)
48. 食 療 歌
(Healthy Food Poem)
49. 羅漢果 的食療功效
(Grosvenor Momordica Fruit)
50. 游離基 是什麼﹖
(Free Radicals)
51. 金雞獨 立養生法
(Stand on one leg)
52. 氣功按 摩十八法
(Body Massaging Qigong)
52. 多吃疏 果能防癌嗎﹖
(Fruits/veggies Effect Cancers?)
53. 中風急救.黃金一小時
(東華三院 MaBelle 合辦節目)
54. 簡易膝 蓋保健
(The simple knee maintenance)
55. 十四個 徵兆預示長壽
(The signs that predict longevity)
56. 心血管 淤塞救命良方
(Blood Vessels Plumbing)
57. 肝炎養 生保健之道
(Hepatitis - what to watch out for)
58. 抗新流 感漢方蔬果汁
(Herbalist's Juices for Influenza)
59. 馬鈴薯鮮汁療法
(The Amazing Potato Juice)
60. 打嗝放屁去濁氣
(Hiccup/Farting Is Healthy)
61. 每天大笑不會老
(Laugh to slow down aging)
62. 生活常識小秘密
(Trivial for your daily life)
63. 靈芝治「未病」
(Lingzhi's [Ganoderma] effects)
64. 素食不正確更糟
(Vegetarian's Mistakes)
65. 增強記憶力食物
(The Memory Boosters)
66. 栗子是[腎之果]
(Chestnuts good for elders)
67. 糖尿病飲食和食療
(Diabetes helpful diets)
68. 熱門健康食物排行
(Healthy Food Ranking)
在日常生活中,出人意表的事情常八九。年紀大了﹐身體毛病接踵 而來。增加醫學常識﹐對己對人都有幫助。在緊急情況下﹐這些常識說不定幫你救了您或你的家人、親戚、朋友、同事的一命。以下彙集有識人仕所提供的資料﹐以助參考。
1. 洋蔥浸紅酒
(Red wine & onion)
2. 自己CPR的方法
(The beat goes on)
3. 心臟病發、中風前兆
(Heart attack, stroke warning signs)
4. 中風辨認常識
(Stroke identification)
5. 聖心減肥良方
(S.H.M. Diet program)
6. 十大營養食品
(Top 10 Nutritious Food)
7. 治口臭食療方
(Bad Breath Remedy)
8. 豬腳薑醋製法
(Pig's Feet With Ginger & Vinegar)
9. 清心養血之良食
(Healthy Food for Heart & Blood)
10. 珩記祖傳祕方鹹檸檬
(Salted Lemon Tea)
11. 鼻敏感效湯
(Hay fever remedial soup)
12. 果菜療能一覽表
(What's Good For You)
13. 療能食物對照表
(Cross-reference List)
14. 肉桂之天然食療
(Cinnamon's Health Benefits)
15. 小紅苺防尿道膀胱炎
(Cranberry's Health Benefits)
16. 欥風筒的妙用
(The Amazing Hair Dryer)
17. 蜂蜜加肉桂粉的神奇
(Honey plus Cinnamon)
18. 沒事多喝檸檬水
(Ice Lemonade)
19. 人過中年不悲哀
(Live after Middle Age)
20. 醫生之食療介紹
(Food values from doctors)
21. 心肌梗塞急救法
(Heart attack emergency treatment)
22. 枸杞消除疲勞
(Chinese wolfberries for relaxation)
23. 紅棗保肝補氣
(Jujubes-Chinese red dates)
24. 遠離糖尿病不難
(Diabetes Mellitus)
25. 健康身心之最佳時間
(Right Timing)
26. 世衛評選的最佳食品
(The Healthy Food)
27. 十大垃圾食物
(The Junk Food)
28. 蒜頭蒸飯, 老薑蜜糖
(Garlic, ginger, honey on rice)
29. 沒有阿 茲海默的世界
(Alzheimer Prevention)
30. 練太極可抗疫
(Tai Chi stops shingles)
31. 飯後熱飲
(Drink warm after meals)
32. 食物防春季過敏
(Ready for the allergy season)
33. 香蕉的神奇 (a) 熟香蕉抗癌
(The Amazing Bananas)
34. 癌症新知
(Cancer update - by a MD hospital)
35. 十大助排毒之食品
(Toxin Excretion Assistants)
36. 腸道照顧好﹐ 百病不來找
(Intestines Health)
37. 腸道簡易運動
(The Exercise for Intestines)
38. 延年益壽十則
(The Recipes for Living Longer)
39. 排汗和排尿的差別
(Sweat, no sweat)
40. 補健清湯 (排毒,通血)
(Soup to lower cholesterol)
41. 謄固醇的常識(Cholesterol)
a) American Heart Association
b) Harvard School of Public Health
c) 降 謄固醇療方二例
42. 林燕妮治老花妙方
(The Eyesight Enhancing Juice)
43. 治失眠良方
(How To Sleep Fast)
44. 五大防癌水果
(Fruits Prevent/Fight Cancers)45. 慎食非季節性水果
(Beware of off season fruits)
46. 清洗蔬果勿用鹽
(Washing Fruits With Salt)
47. 少林十巧手 [手部運動]
(Hand Exercise for Health)
48. 食 療 歌
(Healthy Food Poem)
49. 羅漢果 的食療功效
(Grosvenor Momordica Fruit)
50. 游離基 是什麼﹖
(Free Radicals)
51. 金雞獨 立養生法
(Stand on one leg)
52. 氣功按 摩十八法
(Body Massaging Qigong)
52. 多吃疏 果能防癌嗎﹖
(Fruits/veggies Effect Cancers?)
53. 中風急救.黃金一小時
(東華三院 MaBelle 合辦節目)
54. 簡易膝 蓋保健
(The simple knee maintenance)
55. 十四個 徵兆預示長壽
(The signs that predict longevity)
56. 心血管 淤塞救命良方
(Blood Vessels Plumbing)
57. 肝炎養 生保健之道
(Hepatitis - what to watch out for)
58. 抗新流 感漢方蔬果汁
(Herbalist's Juices for Influenza)
59. 馬鈴薯鮮汁療法
(The Amazing Potato Juice)
60. 打嗝放屁去濁氣
(Hiccup/Farting Is Healthy)
61. 每天大笑不會老
(Laugh to slow down aging)
62. 生活常識小秘密
(Trivial for your daily life)
63. 靈芝治「未病」
(Lingzhi's [Ganoderma] effects)
64. 素食不正確更糟
(Vegetarian's Mistakes)
65. 增強記憶力食物
(The Memory Boosters)
66. 栗子是[腎之果]
(Chestnuts good for elders)
67. 糖尿病飲食和食療
(Diabetes helpful diets)
68. 熱門健康食物排行
(Healthy Food Ranking)
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