Sunday, March 14, 2010

How do avoid Xunlei "curi curi" upload file ...

This is just sharing...
Finally.. i found out the method how do avoid xunlei "curi curi" upload or seek file although you deleted the task or move out the file.... This problem will cause your network slow....and you will always scratch your head...why like that...
To resolve the problem, you have to find 1 file called "cid_store.dat" when you first time launch XunLei...

I already tested the xunlei version and it is working..
To prove it working, i am using broadband monitoring to check the broadband usage....

Ok, i don't want talk too much... let follow the step below..

For Windows 7 user...
1. Go to C:\Users\Public\Thunder Network path.  You will find the file is located there....
2. If you already used the xunlei to download file before..... then.. please open the file using pspad editor...Select all content and delete it...Then save it.
3. Select the file, right click and select properties...Select Attributes "READ ONLY".. so that xunlei won't write it again. 

You are done, just open your xunlei software again... now, it is normal...

For Windows XP user.. you have go to local setting and change is understand AllUsers place....

Enjoy downloading.... !

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